Embedded System Things

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optimize or reduce RAM size in embedded system software[fn:1

Unlike speed optimisation, RAM optimisation might be something that requires "a little bit here, a little bit there" all through the code. On the other hand, there may turn out to be some "low hanging fruit".

Arrays and Lookup Tables

const my_struct_t * param_lookup[] = {...};  // Table is in RAM!
my_struct_t * const param_lookup[] = {...};  // In ROM
const char * const strings[] = {...};    // Two const may be needed; also in ROM

Stack and heap

Perhaps your linker config reserves large amounts of RAM for heap and stack, larger than necessary for your application.


  • Global vs local variables

    Check for unnecessary use of static or global variables, where a local variable (on the stack) can be used instead. I've seen code that needed a small temporary array in a function, which was declared static, evidently because "it would take too much stack space".

  • Smaller variables

    Variables that can be smaller, e.g. int16t (short) or int8t (char) instead of int32t (int).

  • Enum variable size

    enum variable size may be bigger than necessary. I can't remember what ARM compilers typically do, but some compilers I've used in the past by default made enum variables 2 bytes even though the enum definition really only required 1 byte to store its range. Check compiler settings.

  • Algorithm implementation

    Rework your algorithms. Some algorithms have have a range of possible implementations with a speed/memory trade-off. E.g. AES encryption can use an on-the-fly key calculation which means you don't have to have the entire expanded key in memory. That saves memory, but it's slower.

  • MISC1
    • Start with the obvious: squeeze 32-bit words into 16s where possible, rearrange structures to eliminate padding, cut down on slack in any arrays. If you've got any arrays of more than eight structures, it's worth using bitfields to pack them down tighter.
    • Do away with dynamic memory allocation and use static pools. A constant memory footprint is much easier to optimize and you'll be sure of having no leaks.
    • Scope local allocations tightly so that they don't stay on stack longer than they have to. Some compilers are very bad at recognizing when you're done with a variable, and will leave it on the stack until the function returns. This can be bad with large objects in outer functions that then eat up persistent memory they don't have to as the outer function calls deeper into the tree.
    • alloca() doesn't clean up until a function returns, so can waste stack longer than you expect.
    • Enable function body and constant merging in the compiler, so that if it sees eight different consts with the same value, it'll put just one in the text segment and alias them with the linker.
    • Optimize executable code for size. If you've got a hard realtime deadline, you know exactly how fast your code needs to run, so if you've any spare performance you can make speed/size tradeoffs until you hit that point. Roll loops, pull common code into functions, etc. In some cases you may actually get a space improvement by inlining some functions, if the prolog/epilog overhead is larger than the function body.
  • MISC2
    1. Make sure that the number of parameters passed to a functions is deeply analysed. On ARM architectures as per AAPCS(ARM arch Procedure Call standard), maximum of 4 parameters can be passed using the registers and rest of the parameters would be pushed into the stack.
    2. Also consider the case of using a global rather than passing the data to a function which is most frequently called with the same parameter.
    3. The deeper the function calls, the heavier is the use of the stack. use any static analysis tool, to get to know worst cast function call path and look for venues to reduce it. When function A is calling function B, B is calling C, which in turn calls D, which in turn calls E and goes deeper. In this case registers can't be at all levels to pass the parameters and so obviously stack will be used.
    4. Try for venues for clubbing the two parameters into one wherever applicable. remember that all the registers are of 32bit in ARM and so further optimisation is also possible. void abc(bool a, bool b, uint16t c, uint32t d, uint8t e)// makes use of registers and stack void abc(uint8 ab, uint16t c, uint32t d, uint8t e)//first 2 params can be clubbed. so total of 4 parameters can be passed using registers
    5. Have a re-look on nested interrupt vectors. In any architecture, we use to have scratch-pad registers and preserved registers. Preserved registers are something which needs to be saved before the servicing the interrupt. In case of nested interrupts it will be needing huge stack space to back up the preserved registers to and from the stack.
    6. if objects of type such as structure is passed to the function by value, then it pushes so much of data(depending on the struct size) which will eat up stack space easily. This can be changed to pass by reference.

Author: Shi Shougang

Created: 2015-03-05 Thu 23:20

Emacs 24.3.1 (Org mode 8.2.10)
